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Articles with tag 'script':

Python Script 1: Convert ebooks from epub to mobi format
Python script to convert the ebooks from one format to another in bulk, Automated book conversion to kindle format, Free kindle ebook format conversion, automating the book format conversion, python code to book format convert,
Python Script 4: Opening top 10 Google search result in one hit
Opening top 10 google search results in different tabs in one click. How to start multiple tabs with different URLs in one go.
Python Script 5: How to find most popular technologies on Stackoverflow
How to find most popular technology on stackoverflow by crawling the stackoverflow site using python. Using python beautifulsoup to crawl web pages on stackoverflow. Python code to crawl stackoverflow, crawling stackoverflow for tags, python script to fetch data from stackoverflow.
Python Script 8: Validating Credit Card Number - Luhn's Algorithm
Validating credit card number using Luhn' Algorithm, Verifying Credit and Debit card using python script, Python code to validate the credit card number, Luhn' algorithm implementation in Python
Python Script 9: Getting System Information in Linux using python script
Finding linux system information like processor details, memory usage and average load using python script. Python program to find Ubuntu information.
Automating Facebook page posts using python script
posting on facebook page using python script, automating the facebook page posts, python code to post on facebook page, create facebook page post using python script
Uploading a file to FTP server using Python
Uploading files to FTP server using Python, Python script to connect to ftp server, Python code to login to FTP server and upload file, How to connect to FTP server using python code, ftplib in python, Get server file listing using ftplib in python
Python Script 13: Generating ascii code from Image
Generating ascii art from image, converting colored image to ascii code, python script to convert image to ascii code, python code to generate the ascii image from jpg image.
Python Script 16: Generating word cloud image of a text using python
word cloud python, generating a word cloud of a text using python code, python code to generate a word cloud image of a text. Using word frequencies to generate a word cloud image using a python script
Python Script 17: Setting bing image of the day as desktop wallpaper
Python Script to Set bing image of the day as desktop wallpaper, Automating the desktop wallpaper change to bing image of day using python code, changing desktop wallpaper using python, downloading an image using python code, updating the desktop wallpaper daily using python
Python program to convert Linux file permissions from octal number to rwx string
Python program to convert Linux file permissions from octal number to rwx string, Linux file conversion python program, Python script to convert Linux file permissions
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