Merry Christmas everyone.
Since this is Christmas today, I thought of wising everyone in a different way. I am python programmer and I love writing code so I decided to do something with python and after 1 hour I was ready with the below script to wish all of you Merry Christmas using python turtle.
Code is available on Github as well.
from turtle import * from random import randint def create_rectangle(turtle, color, x, y, width, height): turtle.penup() turtle.color(color) turtle.fillcolor(color) turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.forward(width) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(height) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(width) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(height) turtle.left(90) # fill the above shape turtle.end_fill() # Reset the orientation of the turtle turtle.setheading(0) def create_circle(turtle, x, y, radius, color): oogway.penup() oogway.color(color) oogway.fillcolor(color) oogway.goto(x, y) oogway.pendown() oogway.begin_fill() oogway.end_fill() BG_COLOR = "#0080ff" # "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” # — Oogway to Po under the peach tree, Kung Fu Panda oogway = Turtle() # set turtle speed oogway.speed(2) screen = oogway.getscreen() # set background color screen.bgcolor(BG_COLOR) # set tile of screen screen.title("Merry Christmas") # maximize the screen screen.setup(width=1.0, height=1.0) y = -100 # create tree trunk create_rectangle(oogway, "red", -15, y-60, 30, 60) # create tree width = 240 oogway.speed(10) while width > 10: width = width - 10 height = 10 x = 0 - width/2 create_rectangle(oogway, "green", x, y, width, height) y = y + height # create a star a top of tree oogway.speed(1) oogway.penup() oogway.color('yellow') oogway.goto(-20, y+10) oogway.begin_fill() oogway.pendown() for i in range(5): oogway.forward(40) oogway.right(144) oogway.end_fill() tree_height = y + 40 # create moon in sky # create a full circle create_circle(oogway, 230, 180, 60, "white") # overlap with full circle of BG color to make a crescent shape create_circle(oogway, 220, 180, 60, BG_COLOR) # now add few stars in sky oogway.speed(10) number_of_stars = randint(20,30) # print(number_of_stars) for _ in range(0,number_of_stars): x_star = randint(-(screen.window_width()//2),screen.window_width()//2) y_star = randint(tree_height, screen.window_height()//2) size = randint(5,20) oogway.penup() oogway.color('white') oogway.goto(x_star, y_star) oogway.begin_fill() oogway.pendown() for i in range(5): oogway.forward(size) oogway.right(144) oogway.end_fill() # print greeting message oogway.speed(1) oogway.penup() msg = "Merry Christmas from ThePythonDjango.Com" oogway.goto(0, -200) # y is in minus because tree trunk was below x axis oogway.color("white") oogway.pendown() oogway.write(msg, move=False, align="center", font=("Arial", 15, "bold")) oogway.hideturtle() screen.mainloop()
Happy learning.