Here is the list of projects you can build in Python and/or Django.
- To-Do List App
- Media Player
- Library Management System
- Attendance Management System
- Employee Leave management system
- Niche website for selling specific products. This can be monetized using Amazon affiliates.
- Content management system or blog in Django just like which is developed in Django.
- Invoice generator.
- News aggregator service by scraping news from different sites.
- Website down Alert mechanism
- Controlling LED with Raspberry Pi and design morse code generator
- URL shortener service
- Chat service
- Speech to Text converter
- Expense Tracker
- Generating password and OTP
- Email open rate tracking system
- Automating browser using selenium
- Scraping emails from website
- Scraping and analyzing tweets
- Downloading all Instagram images of a user
- Currency Converter / Exchange Rate calculator
- Scraping news articles
- Automated Telegram channel
- Vehicle number plate recognition
- Motion Detection system using Raspberry Pi
- Basic calculator
- Dice simulator
- Tic tac toe Game
- Text-based adventure game
- Automating daily tasks
- Character frequency generator in a book or paragraph
- Secret message generator using encoding and decoding.
- Creating a butane gas leakage detection system using Raspberry Pi
Please comment with your project idea so that we can add it to the list.